The Challenge of Second Generation Alcohol Abuse in Kenya

Examining the Relevant Factors with Reference to the Roman Catholic Church Believers in Eldoret Municipality, Uasin Gishu County


  • Elijah Kibiego Matelong Moi university
  • Emily Choge, PhD Moi university
  • Stephen Njure, PhD Moi university



Alcohol Control, Second Generation Alcohol, Substance, Alcoholism, Alcohol Abuse, Contextual


This paper analyzes factors influencing alcohol abuse especially second generation alcohol of busaa and chang’aa among Roman Catholic Church believers. Alcohol abuse brought about by addiction is of great concern in Uasin Gishu County due to its disastrous effects on health, socio-cultural and economic well-being of the society. The church, in this case, the Roman Catholic has a dominant role to play. The paper pursued factors influencing alcohol abuse among Roman Catholic Church believers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The Structural Functional Theory by Emile Durkheim and Symbolic Interaction Theory by Marx Weber were used to guide the study. The study targeted the Roman Catholic believers, clergy, rehabilitation counselors, Alcoholic Drinks Control Board and reformed addicts within the study area. Snowball and simple random sampling were used to select 16 informants to form the sample size for the study. Data was collected using the Interview Guide and Observation Schedule. Data was cleaned and organized before analysis. Data was analyzed by discussing information within the context of the study. The findings of the study revealed that some of the Roman Catholic Church believers indulged in alcoholism. Major factors that contributed to this vice were peer influence, poverty. Stress, influence of media availability and accessibility of alcohol. The findings of the study would be of great significance to the Roman Catholic Church clergy and believers. It would also be of utmost significance to both the National and County Government in informing workable policies to ensure control of the “second generation” alcohol. Among the key recommendations are that: there should be combined effort by Roman Catholic Church and other denominations, the community as well as Government institutions and agencies such as NACADA to campaign against alcohol abuse among the people and more so believers; the National and County Governments should work hand-in hand to initiate projects that would economically empower the youths; they should also be provided with permanent employment. The Roman Catholic Church should provide easy interpretation of certain scriptures on alcohol which are philosophically understood such as transubstantiation. The Government should keenly work towards preventing the production, sale and consumption of the second generation alcohol while considering building affordable rehabilitation centers and hiring paralegal helpers to champion rights of the poor addicts and their families.


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Author Biographies

  • Elijah Kibiego Matelong, Moi university

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology, Moi University

  • Emily Choge, PhD, Moi university

    Lecturers, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology
    Moi University

  • Stephen Njure, PhD, Moi university

    Lecturers, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology
    Moi University






How to Cite

Matelong, E. K., Choge, E., & Njure, S. (2022). The Challenge of Second Generation Alcohol Abuse in Kenya: Examining the Relevant Factors with Reference to the Roman Catholic Church Believers in Eldoret Municipality, Uasin Gishu County. Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences (JJEOSHS), 5(1), 1-16.

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